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PARAPRAXIS Im Feld des Fehlers / In the Realm of Error

A SALON HYBRID publication | Published by Revolver Publishing, Berlin | Edited by Stephanie Winter & Flora Schausberger Pictures of the performative installation PARAPRAXIS


The publication PARAPRAXIS – In the Realm of Error is dedicated to the error as deviation, mistake, contradiction or disruption and its potentials. The imagery of the performative installation PARAPRAXIS by Stephanie Winter and SALON HYBRID is confronted with 11 textual positions from art theory and cultural studies. The texts focus on the occurrence and control of errors as well as their productive and destructive effects within different kinds of systems such as art, the Internet, a prison or the mind. The title PARAPRAXIS not only refers to the mistake or Freudian slip but also to an artistic practice, which pursues topics between art and science set in a kind of parallel world. Since 2013 Stephanie Winter and SALON HYBRID appropriate vacant buildings with the series PARAPRAXIS, meandering between performative installation, walk-in film set and experimental laboratory.


Berlin 2016, 136 pages, ill., 27 x 22,5 cm, Hardcover, German/English
ISBN 978-3-95763-352-1

€ 28,00 (+ shipping costs)

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Published by SALON HYBRID, on the occasion of the performative installation ICH UND MEINE SUMME - Die Parapraxis [pd#0.03] | Edited by Flora Schausberger, Marco Celeghin

I walked to the walls, they were all about
I walked to the window, but could not see out
So I climbed in my head and left myself out

Faced with the challenge and the possibility to put together a project in the former juvenile court in Vienna, the question arose of how we could adequately approch the wide field of broached topics in the short time of the one available for the production. The idea of a kind of acupuncture in textual form emerged, as an independent format accompanying the project. The result are 13 individual miniatures by eleven different authors, which are arranged as thematic elements around the performative installation ICH UND MEINE SUMME - Die Parapraxis [pd#0.03] staged in the vacant building. It is especially due to the authors' spontaneous enthousiasm that this written impulse in a small format could be realized.


Vienna 2014, 49 pages, ill., 14,6 x 10,5cm, Softcover, German/English
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Psychodrom buch.jpg


A STEPHANIE WINTER & SALON HYBRID publication | Published by BUCHER VERLAG HOHENEMS, Vienna | Edited by Stephanie Winter | Concept & Design by Salon Hybrid

Trying to enter the psychodrome through doors or gates would be futile. It would entail an outside leading into an inside, assume a frontier, the dissolution of which is a characteristic of this oeuvre. Stephanie Winter's work knows no outside. To confront her paintings, films, objects, means to be already on a journey to the inside, circulating in the orbits of the soul, which encapsulate the psychodrome of her enigmatic universe. These voyages, though a time liberated from past and future, journey into the crumbly territory of memories, a feeling of one's way within the labyrinth of the self, a risky exploration through the dimly-lit corridors of the soul, where the shadows of the I and their doppelgangers are lurking.
The seeker, as both subject and object of the search, can hide behind the rigid masks of his inner self and advance through the vortex of his desires to the deepest obsured reasons of his being.

Vienna 2011, 98 pages, ill., 26,5 x 22,3, Hardcover, German/English | ISBN 978-3-99018-082-2 | Order here:

© 2019 Stephanie Winter & SALON HYBRID

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